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Christian Baptist Manual

For credit for this lecture: Please answer the following questions and email them to


  1. What major item from the manual discussed in the first lecture stands out to you the most.

  2. Which article of faith do you find the most difficult to understand?  

For credit for this lecture: Please answer the following questions and email them to


  1. What major item from the manual discussed in the second lecture stands out to you the most.

  2. Are there any items in the constitution that are still unclear to you?

  3. Which rule of decorum for the council meetings is most beneficial?  Which is the least?

For credit for this lecture: Please answer the following questions and email them to


  1. What major item from the manual discussed in the third lecture stands out to you the most.

  2. What is the purpose of preparing ministers with a training and a course of study for at least two years prior to ordination?

  3. How is the property rule for local churches beneficial and difficult?

For credit for this lecture: Please answer the following questions and email them to


  1. What major item from the manual discussed in the fourth lecture stands out to you the most.

  2. What are the four arms of the Conference covered in our bylaws?

  3. What major point stands out to you as we finish the study on the Christian Baptist Manual.

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